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Your son or daughter is about to embark on a life-changing experience abroad. Going abroad is a great way for your child to learn a about a new culture, gain a more global worldview, and boost his or her language skills and resume. This resource guide is intended to answer some common questions parents have about World Endeavors programs, values, and support services as well as about health and safety while your son or daughter is abroad.

World Endeavors Program Advisors are always happy to speak with parents to answer any questions that might come up during the program selection and application processes. Please feel free to contact one of our advisors at 1-612-729-3400 or at


The health and safety of our participants is our number one concern, and it is the guiding consideration during our program development process. During our pre-departure preparation and orientation process, we share health and safety information with our participants, and our in-country orientation process also focuses on these topics and on how to respond in case of an emergency. By taking common sense precautions, our participants can feel comfortable in their new surroundings and focus on the life-changing experience of their program.

It is important to note that there are risks inherent in any activity, whether at home or abroad. We strongly encourage parents to talk with their children and with World Endeavors staff about general safety precautions to take while abroad, as well as about how to respond in the unlikely event of an emergency. World Endeavors advisors are experienced travelers themselves and are available to speak with you and your son or daughter about their chosen destination.


One of the first questions many participants ask us when applying for a program is where they will live. Arranging housing abroad can be a stressful process, which is why World Endeavors coordinates housing for all of our participants! We weigh several factors when selecting the best housing for our participants. First and foremost, we want to ensure that the housing is safe, clean, and appropriate. We also want our participants’ housing to be conveniently located and in line with our values of cultural immersion and community integration.

Specific housing arrangements vary depending on the type of program and the country. Options include home stay accommodations, shared apartments, dormitories, and onsite project housing. Please refer to the specific program page for more information, or contact a World Endeavors advisor to learn more about housing in your son our daughter’s chosen location.


A growing number of students are seeking to earn academic credit for an internship experience abroad. World Endeavors advisors can work with students and their advisors to ensure their internship placement fulfills their home university’s requirements for internship credit. These requirements may be a certain number of contact hours, periodic supervisor evaluations, regular journal entries, or other requirements specific to their course of study. If your son or daughter would like to earn academic credit for his or her internship abroad, we ask that his or her department’s specific requirements be communicated to World Endeavors as early as possible in the application process to ensure the internship we place them in can meet those requirements.


World Endeavors advisors are always available to speak with parents of our participants. Please feel free to contact us anytime, and, if you are in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, you are welcome to set up an appointment for one of our advisors to meet with you and your son or daughter in person.


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